

  • Objective: Development of a taxi carsharing app
  • Industry: Transport
  • Technologies: JavaScript, Java, Angular
  • Project duration: 4 months from start of work to system ready for deployment

Carsharing system for taxis

For MOBILGO, we not only realised two mobile applications (dedicated to the customer and the driver), but also a web-based administration panel, and an advanced algorithm using neural networks to optimise the use of taxis and distribute passengers between cars. It was really a lot of work.

What have we done?

Aplikacja MobilGO – carsharing dla taksówek


Technologies used in the project

The ordered transport goes to an algorithm that fine-tunes the optimal vehicle before sending the order

One of the key elements of this service is to optimize the process of shipping vehicles to customers. To achieve this, the Mobil Go service uses algorithms to help select the optimal vehicle for each order. When a customer orders transportation through the Mobil Go app, the system processes information on location, destination, number of passengers and other relevant parameters.

The algorithms that Mobil Go uses take into account many factors, such as current traffic conditions, the availability of different types of vehicles, and customer preferences. As a result, the Mobil Go service can provide fast and convenient travel around the city, while minimizing waiting time and transportation costs.


Aplikacja MobilGO – carsharing dla taksówek
MobilGO – carsharing dla taksówek

With driver geolocation, app notifies user that driver is already waiting

The Mobil Go service uses geolocation to allow customers to track their transportation in real time. As a result, when a customer orders transportation through the Mobil Go app, he or she can track on a map where the driver is and when he or she will arrive.

The user can top up his account and control funds

The user panel has all the necessary options to easily manage your funds, check your travel history, add discount codes or change your account settings.

Interfejs użytkownika aplikacja MobilGO
Rozliczenie kierowcy w oprogramowaniu MobilGO

Web panel to easily manage users

Mobil Go is a service that, in addition to a mobile application for users, also offers a web panel for administrators to easily manage users. The web panel provides access to a number of functionalities that make it easy to control the process of using the service.

System administrator can view and manage driver profile

As part of the Mobil Go service, system administrators have access to a management panel that allows them to view and manage driver profiles. This allows administrators to monitor and control the quality of services offered by drivers, thus ensuring a high level of customer service.

Aplikacja MobilFo - widok kierowcy
Aplikacja MobilGo

Possibility of automatic and manual billing of drivers

The Mobil Go service allows both automatic and manual billing of drivers for trips made. The automatic billing system makes it quick and easy to recalculate drivers’ salaries based on specific criteria, such as time and distance of trips. With manual billing, administrators have full control over the process and can make changes and adjust drivers’ salaries as needed.

"The team's execution time and software quality are impressive."

Piotr Dyblik
CEO, MobilGO

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